pursue discipleship

new believer?

We have created this booklet for YOU! We know how hard, confusing, and scary it can be to start something new, especially something like following GOD as a new believer. (How does one even start to follow the creator of all things?! WHOA!) So... we have created this booklet for you to take tangible steps daily that are just the right size for a new believer like you.

Dig into this 21-day devotional at your own pace. Take 10 days, 21 days, or 40 days to go through it. Whatever you'd like. And do us a favor, text Redemption's text line to let us know you have started it (314-391-4141). We would love to encourage you and pray for you along your journey. If you ever have questions or need help, reach out! We are here for you.

Disciple With The Bible

Why read the Bible?

The Christian faith is about more than where you spend eternity. It is about getting to know and learning to follow Jesus now. Discipleship is just the word we use to describe that process of growing in your love for God and others.

Who should use this method?

Since discipleship is about getting to know who God is and what He has done for us, that means anyone can be discipled – no matter where you are in your faith. Discipleship happens best in the context of relationship. If you’d like to be discipled, let us know by clicking the link below.

How do I get started reading the Bible?

We use a process called the Discovery Bible Study method. It incorporates both Bible reading and prayer and is accessible to anyone. Click here for more details about how it works.